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Can Summer Heat Threaten Your Recovery?

Can Summer Heat Threaten Your Recovery?

Moods can plummet or intensify the hotter the temperature rises. While there are always warnings about taking care of children, pets, and the elderly in summer heat, people in recovery from addiction or mental health conditions can suffer just as intensely, be at risk of heat-related illnesses, and find their sobriety and equilibrium tested.

Addiction, Mental Health, and Summer Heat

It’s been scientifically proven that weather affects well-being. While some people experience winter blues or gloominess during stormy days, excessive heat can do its own damage. People in recovery need to know how their sobriety, mental health, and overall well-being can be negatively impacted by heat exposure.

There are many possible consequences to excess heat that can threaten sobriety and stable mental health including:

Is Relapse More Likely as the Temperature Rises?

Even if summer temps are manageable and you can spend plenty of time outdoors, these several months of the year are also populated by celebration-heavy activities. From barbecues to neighborhood parties, Independence Day celebrations to vacations, there will be temptations to join in the drugs and alcohol in the vicinity. Add heat to the mix, thirst, or a desire to feel as much joy as everyone else around you, and relapse is far more likely.

There is likely to be an overwhelming feeling of temptation throughout the summer, especially if you expose yourself to the same people, places, and events that you always have. Work with your support team to develop a plan to keep you sober when the heat is on — literally or figuratively – and keep addiction at bay and your mental health in check.

Stay Ahead of Heat Triggers

Every season of the year comes with its own challenges for someone in recovery or who is working to keep anxiety or depression at bay. Knowing what to expect, what the hurdles will be, and planning how to keep yourself healthy are the best ways to stay ahead of temptations and triggers.

Keeping holistic therapy treatment front of mind is key to withstanding the heat of the summer. If you find yourself struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our clinically driven retreat offers individual care and structured programs for achieving healing, wellness, and peace when life is most challenging. Contact us to discuss inpatient and outpatient rehab, mental health treatment, and holistic recovery in a luxury retreat setting. Call 866-349-1770 to speak with a trained admissions counselor.


Photo by Xavier Coiffic on Unsplash
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