Family plays a vital role in the recovery process after holistic rehab or mental health treatment. You have the power to help your loved one succeed as they build a new life in recovery, but knowing what to do and when can be difficult. The most important fact to...
September is National Recovery Month, a good time to celebrate the gains made by those who have made a commitment to recovering from an alcohol or drug addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that the recovery process is best...
Getting away from it all feels empowering, especially for someone who has recently been in holistic rehab and is focusing hard on a more regimented way of life. When it’s time to vacation as the new you, there are some places it’s wise to avoid while you work to stay...
A schedule, routine, and consistency are all incredibly important after mental health rehab. It’s natural, however, to anticipate time away from the daily grind. What does that first vacation after mental health rehab look like? Can you go international? Should you...
Cats are an acquired taste for many people, and people are an acquired taste for many cats. These independent creatures give and receive love in their own way, but they are happy to be the pet that a person needs. For someone in recovery who is considering the...
As you recover from addiction, opening up to and spending time with friends and family may be challenging or complicated. But you do need to release your burdens. You can count on your pet to comfort you when you feel overwhelmed. This bond goes deeper than you might...