As a caregiver, you focus a good deal of time and energy on your loved one in recovery. But it is equally important to make time for yourself. While self-care looks different for everyone, it means the same thing: to take time away from your worries, management, and...
All too frequently, drug and alcohol treatment facilities overlook the importance of diet and exercise in the overall treatment of addiction. This is often the case because the duration of a typical stay in rehab doesn’t always afford the time to prioritize...
Recovering addicts face many hurdles on the road to sobriety; from triggers that cause the behaviors to manifest themselves to the effects of the short or long-term use of alcohol or drugs; many factors can contribute to a successful recovery. One of the biggest...
Beyond a Hangover – Get Help at an Alcohol Treatment Center Consuming too much alcohol can have many disturbing effects on your body. In particular, it has a significant negative effect on your nerves and muscle cells. This means that when you consume more alcohol...
How A Good Routine Can Help the Drug Rehab Process While attending a program at a drug rehab facility, you will have a lot on your mind. You will likely be experiencing withdrawal symptoms, trying to understand your addiction and what it has done to your body, and...
Importance Of Healthy Eating in Treatment For Addiction Prior to your treatment for addiction you may have been of the mind set that fast food tasted “amazing” and was good enough to sustain you at a lower cost, which also meant that you had more money to spend on...