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Embracing Imperfection in Recovery 

Embracing Imperfection in Recovery 

The road to recovery has its twists and turns. There are moments of triumph and times when you are going to stumble. But a nagging voice — perfectionism — can make recovery a rough ride. This inner critic demands flawlessness and blows mistakes out of proportion. It holds you back and whispers doubts.

Perfectionism can be a burden, particularly during recovery. The good news is that you can ditch those unrealistic expectations. Your journey is about progress, not perfection. Let’s explore why perfectionism hurts recovery and how self-compassion can help.

Why Perfectionism Makes Recovery Tougher

Sometimes, the idea of being perfect can get in the way of getting better. Perfectionism loves black-and-white thinking, where anything less than perfect equals total failure. In the realm of recovery, this can play out in a few ways:

Self-Compassion: The Gift You Give Yourself

Self-compassion is the antidote to perfectionism. It means treating yourself with kindness and understanding, just like you would a friend or loved one going through a tough time in their life.

Recognizing how self-compassion helps you heal:

Tips to Abandon Perfectionism and Embrace Progress

Remember, You’re Not Alone…

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. It is OK to make mistakes, and you probably will. Perfectionism is a common obstacle in recovery, but by embracing self-compassion and celebrating your progress, you can overcome it and build a healthier, happier life.

Your journey toward recovery and sobriety begins at Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida. We offer comprehensive, holistic inpatient and outpatient detox and drug and alcohol rehab. Please call 866-349-1770 to speak with one of our trained admissions counselors.


Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash


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