Drug & Alcohol Rehab Blog
5 of the Best Stress-Relief Apps
You don’t always need to unplug to get some rest. Here are five stress-relief apps to help you relax, track your moods, boost your confidence, and more.
Is It Stress, or Is It Anxiety?
Stress and anxiety are both emotional responses, but one goes away while the other can stick around and create a need for inpatient treatment for anxiety.
Drinking in Secret: When No One Knows You’re Suffering
Keeping your alcohol abuse a secret can be detrimental to recovery. Learn how sharing your struggle can help.
Prolonged Grief Disorder: When the Sorrow Never Fades
When you lose someone you love, the grief can be overwhelming. What happens if time goes by and you don’t feel any better?
The Risks of Trying to Detox at Home
Trying to detox from alcohol or drugs at home is a serious risk that could lead to relapse, serious health problems, and even death.
The Importance of Accountability in Holistic Rehab
Learning accountability is a major key to recovery in holistic rehab.
Seeking Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
With the proper treatment, people with bipolar disorder can lead full, productive lives.
When to Seek Grief Counseling
For many, dealing with the loss of a loved one can turn into a lifelong battle. But there are ways to work through the pain of grief and find hope in healing through counseling.
Getting Treatment for PTSD After a Traumatic Birth Experience
PTSD after a traumatic birth experience is real, valid, and treatable through holistic inpatient mental health treatment.
Developing a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle in Rehab
Here’s how you can reverse the negative effects of substance abuse on your heart. It’s not too late to find healing.
Can Inpatient Treatment Improve My Mental Health?
Getting inpatient treatment for mental health conditions can significantly help you develop coping skills to enjoy a more peaceful, happier life when battling anxiety, depression, or stress.
3 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself After Addiction
With Valentine’s Day on the calendar this month, it’s a good time to mark the importance of loving yourself even after a past that included addiction.