Setting Recovery and Mental Health Goals for the New Year

It’s that time of the year again—with the ringing in of the new year, everybody is usually asking, “What are your New Year’s resolutions?” or “What are your goals for 2025?” Don’t just say “New year, new me,” live it! Set meaningful goals for yourself to continue on your journey to recovery and mental well-being. By creating achievable resolutions for yourself and sticking to them, you can further your emotional balance, mental health, and continued sobriety throughout the year.

Here are some suggestions for some New Year’s resolutions to add to your goals for recovery and mental healt.:

Daily Gratitude and Affirmations

Get in the habit of thinking of or perhaps even writing down three things you are grateful for each day. By starting your day expressing your gratitude for even the small things in your life, you can set an optimistic tone for your day, cultivating positivity throughout your year. Should you choose to write these things down in a journal or on a note card, you can carry your gratitude with you throughout your day and revisit the things you’re grateful for during the year.

You can also incorporate daily affirmations into your mornings. Affirmations are short statements you can say to yourself and others to give your self-esteem a positive boost. When you’re looking in the mirror each morning brushing your teeth or doing your hair, try saying a few to yourself, such as “I am a strong, capable person,” or “Healing is within my reach.” Experiment with a few and see what works for you to lift yourself up each day.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness for just a few minutes a day and taking time to meditate will allow you to self-reflect, help you think clearly, and practice will power when challenging situations arise throughout the year.


Think of journaling as another form of meditation. By centering yourself and focusing on your writing, you can clear your mind and sort out your emotions. This can be a healthy coping mechanism to express any frustrations or negativity on your path to healing.

Celebrate Milestones

Set various goals for the year and reward yourself for achieving your milestones. You can start small with weekly milestones and reward yourself with a fancy coffee or smoothie every Friday morning. Or, you can set monthly goals and treat yourself to a meal at a popular restaurant in your area, see a new movie, or go for a hike on your favorite trail. Try to include family and friends in your celebrations to show your support network your appreciation for them; this will also help you keep yourself accountable in accomplishing your goals towards recovery and sobriety.

Exercise, Eat Right, and Prioritize Sleep

It may be cliché, but exercising for a few minutes every day, eating right, and prioritizing your sleep each night can improve your physical health, and thus will boost your mental well-being and physical and emotional balance.

Learn Something New

Try to learn something new in 2025. Take time to explore some new and interesting hobbies or different activities that bring you joy. Perhaps you enjoy cooking and want to branch out more — try looking for new recipes, watching cooking videos, or even look for a cooking class in your area. By trying something new and discovering the emotions you feel while participating in a new activity, you can develop new coping mechanisms and become more in touch with yourself and your feelings in the new year.

Whatever goals and resolutions you set for yourself, remember: start small, track your progress, and seek support. Your journey to mental healing and recovery is a marathon, not a sprint, so take your time and give yourself grace. Cheers to another year on your journey to sobriety and mental wellness.

Start the new year strong with Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our holistic inpatient and outpatient programs support your recovery and sobriety goals. Call 866-349-1770 to speak with an admissions counselor today.


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash