Faith Based Rehab & Christian Recovery Programs
Becoming addicted to a substance, whether it is drugs or alcohol is clearly not something that anyone plans to do. It is a mistake or a series of them that are made along the way, and it can become extremely difficult to correct that mistake. Sometimes help of friends, family, and other loved ones are enough to overcome the challenge. Other times, people may require a bit more help to find that strength within themselves, and a faith-based rehab program is one place to do it. If you’d like to know more, just contact our trained admissions counselors at 866-349-1770 for details.
What Is Faith Based Addiction Recovery & Therapy?
Faith-Based therapy is a very specific form of holistic addiction treatment that uses religious conviction as the cornerstone of creating an effective form of addiction recovery. However, for the purposes of Beachside, it’s important to state upfront that this specific form of faith-based addiction recovery and therapy is centered around the Christian faith. Beachside has nothing but respect for other forms of faith, be they Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or other belief systems. However, faith-based therapy is something that must be conducted by a licensed, certified expert familiar with both therapeutic techniques and the religion in question. Beachside only has the personnel qualified to do this for the Christian faith; we cannot offer similar services for other belief systems at this time.
Having said that, even for people with an appropriate religious background, admission into Christian rehab centers is not always the right answer. It’s not merely enough to have been brought up Christian. Faith-based therapy relies on an active spiritual life to be effective. An active, practicing Christian with strong religious conviction is the ideal candidate for faith-based therapy, because this type of treatment requires a strong spiritual foundation is already in place to build on.
How Does Faith Based Rehab Work?
While basic Christian tenets advocate people to act independently, such as in old truism “The Lord helps those who help themselves,” the central concept here is that the Christian faith is here to help. This doesn’t have to be done alone; it just means that the desire for action and the ability to do so are enough to bring a community of love around people in faith-based recovery programs to let them know they are not alone and aid them in this time of crisis.
Making the Right Choice for Faith-Based Rehab
Faith-based therapy is also not about any one specific Christian practice. Christian drug rehab centers aren’t about following the procedures of one specific church or branch, nor is Christian alcohol rehab. Instead, the general principles of tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, temperance and repentance are the important aspects emphasized, not the exact words or rituals.
Get the Help you Deserve Today
If you or a loved one is seeking help for alcohol or drug addiction, please call us today.
What Are Some of the Different Approaches to Christian Rehab Treatment?
On the other hand, some people may have more complex issues, such as the interaction of addiction and some other condition, such as clinical depression or PTSD. This means that in addition to Christian rehab to overcome the addiction, they require additional care to address a condition that is likely reinforcing the addiction. As with all things, every person will have different needs.
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